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Functional Programing For Everyday Use

Hey there, fellow developer enthusiasts!

Ever found yourself in the vast wilderness of online courses, desperately searching for a functional programming guide that doesn't feel like decoding hieroglyphics? Yeah, me too! That's precisely why I decided to embark on creating a course that's not just about functional programming but also about making it as easy to digest as your favorite snack.

Welcome to the Functional Programming Fiesta! 🚀

Let's keep it real —functional programming can be as intimidating as trying to assemble IKEA furniture without the manual. But fear not, because I've been there, stumbled through it, and thought, "Hey, why not create a course that I wish I had when I started?"

In this course, we're going to break down functional programming concepts like pure functions, immutability, and ** function composition**. And guess what? We're doing it all in TypeScript because we can cover the full stack of web development with TS.

Our main focus? Giving you the tools and tricks to seamlessly integrate functional programming into your day-to-day TypeScript full-stack development. We're talking about real-world scenarios, not just theoretical mumbo-jumbo. Think of it as your programming survival kit for the developer jungle.

So, if you're ready to level up your coding game, join me on this journey. No complex jargon(almost), no sleep-inducing lectures—just a laid-back, easy-to-digest guide to functional programming in TypeScript. Let's turn those functional dreams into everyday code reality!

Is this course for you ?

I dare to say that this question can only be answered by you, does any of this ring any bell for you?

If you got a yes, I can say that taking this course will benefit you more than harm you.

What you are NOT going to find in this course

See you in the course! 🚀✨

Curriculum of the Course

Part 1: Introduction to Functional Programming Concepts

Module 1: Functional Programming Fundamentals

Module 2: Higher-Order Functions and Currying

Module 3: Function Composition

Module 4: Monads and Functional Patterns

Part 2: Building a Front-End App with React and Functional Programming

Module 5: Applying FP in React Components 🚧

Module 6: State Management with React Context API and Functional Patterns 🚧

Module 7: Asynchronous Operations and Functional Concepts 🚧

Part 3: Building a REST API with Express and Node.js

Module 8: Functional Express Basics 🚧

Module 9: Data Validation and Functional Error Handling 🚧

Module 10: Functional Database Interaction 🚧

Part 4: Applying Functional Programming in Development Workflow

Module 11: Testing and FP 🚧

Module 12: Refactoring with FP 🚧

Module 13: Building Reusable Functional Libraries 🚧